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- Fri. Jun. 7, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE recipient of Environmentalist of the Year award - Wed., Apr. 24, 2013
Hamilton Spectator
Mahoney: Quarry foes set to celebrate holding their ground - Mon., Apr. 8, 2013
Flamborough Review
Quarry battle over opponents say - Wed.,Mar. 27, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE ready to celebrate quarry victory - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2013
Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
2007 Annual Report
Concluding Comments
Our community has demonstrated four years of resolve against the proposed quarry. It has required each and every one of us
- to be vigilant,
- to take action,
- to attend meetings,
- to send letters and e-mails, and
- to contribute our after tax dollars to deal with a problem locally that should be addressed provincially.
The proponent continues to disrespect the community by
- answering questions with platitudes
- offering vague assurances that they will take care of us
- refusing to share technical information because we invariably hire experts to challenge it.
While the process may be biased in the proponent's favour we are making a difference. Think of the progress ST MARYS might have already made if we had not decided to pool our resources and work together as a community to fight this outrageous proposal.
Our resolve is unending. While we don't know when the tipping point will be reached, we are determined to maintain opposition until the momentum for success becomes unstoppable.