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Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
Community Case - Environmental
For those of us who live in the community, we knew (and have also learned more) that the property proposed for aggregate development and the contiguous lands are large, relatively undeveloped, and rich in natural features and linkages. These land linkages include landscape connection value to the Niagara Escarpment Plan area. That's why so much of this area is part of the Natural Heritage System of the new Greenbelt. We know there are Provincially and Regionally Significant Wetlands with their unique species. We are familiar with the area Conservation Authority lands and the Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest and Environmentally Sensitive Areas they protect. Some of us hike, bike, ski and snowshoe conservation authority trails regularly. We enjoy the majesty of the white tailed deer - especially in their winter habitat. We hear the coyotes at night as part of the thriving predator-prey system. We witness a significant number of raptors and hear the song birds supported by the field and forest types present. Some of us enjoy the fisheries in the area creeks and streams.
It only makes common sense to us that a proposed aggregate development, of the scale planned, that would extract from below the established water table would have impacts on our fragile environment and natural features. Despite this first hand knowledge and experience, the application process requires that the potential impacts of a proposed development be reviewed and assessed.The key questions are: whose job is it to ensure our environment and natural features are protected, what laws and policies come into play, what are the impacts that could be expected from such a development, how significant would the impacts be and is it possible to manage the impacts? The documents found below form the Community Case regarding environment and natural features in response to the proponent's application, to date.
In July 2005, FORCE submitted the first of its Environment and Natural Features reports to the City of Hamilton, its Peer Review Team, and CART Ecology Cover Letter (81 KB) and Preliminary Landscape Report (9.34 MB) prepared by North-South Environmental. The firm's principal, Dr. Tegler concluded that the Lowndes Holdings Corp. property contains numerous significant provincially, regionally and municipally designated natural features that contribute to the biological diversity and ecological integrity of the site and the broader region. He based his conclusion on the geographic extent of natural features present, the diversity of animal and vegetation communities represented, the quality of the natural areas, the hydrologic attributes of the wetlands and creeks, and the interconnectedness of the natural areas. He wrote that few areas of southern Ontario have this combination of natural attributes. He also felt that the ecological designations in place are based upon strong and defensible criteria developed and assessed by technical personnel. Further, he believes that study of the significant woodlands and critical habitat on the property can only strengthen these designations.
Dr. Tegler concluded that the proposed development of a hard rock aggregate development operating below the ground-water table within the Lowndes Holdings property would have serious environmental implications for the existing natural features. He believes it is critical that evaluations of the proposed land use changes include a comprehensive environmental analysis and he has written what he believes that analysis should include. The evaluations must also consider cumulative impacts. He noted further that, in his expert opinion, the proposed aggregate development is contrary to the land use planning documents and designations that have been prepared to protect the natural heritage features including the 1997 and 2005 Provincial Policy Statements, the Hamilton-Wentworth Official Plan, the Flamborough Official Plan, and the Greenbelt Plan.
In December 2005, FORCE submitted under Cover Letter (114.3 KB), a Natural Environment Report Critique (620.1 KB) and an Aquatic Biology Report Critique (3.7 MB) to the City of Hamilton for circulation to the Peer Review Team and CART. Both expert critiques conclude that the proponent's Preliminary Level 2 Natural Environment report fails to adequately document the natural heritage and hydrologic features, species and functions and aquatic baseline conditions. The material is found to be insufficient in detail, is limited in scope in terms of its various field programs, contains many design and technical errors, lacks comprehensive analysis of environmental impacts, and does not provide meaningful mitigation measures.
Supporting Documentation:
May 2009
FORCE ARA Objections - Aquatic Environment Review - Aquafor Beech Ltd. (48 KB)
FORCE ARA Objections - Natural Environment Review - North-South Environmental Inc. (157 KB)