Latest News
- Fri. Jun. 7, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE recipient of Environmentalist of the Year award - Wed., Apr. 24, 2013
Hamilton Spectator
Mahoney: Quarry foes set to celebrate holding their ground - Mon., Apr. 8, 2013
Flamborough Review
Quarry battle over opponents say - Wed.,Mar. 27, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE ready to celebrate quarry victory - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2013
Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
News Article
Thanks for visiting this webpage and taking action to protect Carlisle’s water supply and to stop the proposed Carlisle Quarry.
How can we Stop the Quarry? There are many ways:
- Make a financial commitment. Many friends and neighbours supported the effort to stop the proposed Carlisle Quarry in 2004 and have recommitted for 2005. It costs money for lawyers, hydrogeologists, ecologists, and the other technical experts necessary to table a professional and substantive opposition. Every time Lowndes Holdings adds to the application, we must hire an expert to examine the report and refute it. It's an expensive process. In addition to these costs, we expect that we will need to present at a future Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing and are already building our community war chest. Please make a cheque payable to FORCE and mail it to FORCE, c/o Lawson Park, 11th Concession East, Freelton, ON, L0R 1K0.
- Put a Stop The Quarry lawn sign on your lawn. The more signs there are the more political FORCE we have with the City of Hamilton, Region of Halton jurisdictions, and the Province of Ontario. Politicians, as well as provincial and city staff, have made visits to the site at the invitation of Lowndes Holdings. Our cause is helped when these visitors know that a great many area residents oppose the quarry.
- Volunteer.Volunteers are needed to help our community’s organization (FORCE) organize its program of activities to oppose the Lowndes Holdings’ application. Please visit the home page at and click on “FORCE Volunteer Want Ads” in the upper right hand corner near the picture of Mayor Di Ianni. There are many opportunities across a broad range of activities, time commitments, and skill sets from delivering flyers, to hosting a neighbourhood information meeting, to organizing golf tournaments, to exercising a leadership role on the Steering Committee.
- Visit the website,, and learn more about what our community is doing to Stop The Quarry. Please remember that we are neither anti-aggregate, nor anti-road. However, we are opposed to this proposed new greenfield, below-the-water table aggregate quarry in this particular site, within the Natural Heritage System of the Greenbelt, for substantive scientific reasons. One of the most important reasons is to protect our water resources.
Graham Flint BASc., P.Eng.
Chair and Spokesperson
Recent Media Coverage
Carlisle Water Restrictions and Ban:
- Tuesday, July 05, 2005 - Hamilton Spectator Commentary - Running on dry
- Tuesday, July 05, 2005 - Hamilton Spectator Article - City plans new well for Carlisle
- Monday, July 04, 2005 - Hamilton Spectator Article - All is not well in Carlisle-Water supply is inadequate,well users say (277 KB)
- Thursday, June 30, 2005 - Hamilton Spectator Article - Carlisle under water ban This article no longer available
- Friday, June 17, 2005 - Flamborough Review Article - Carlisle water ban in place This article no longer available
- Friday, June 10, 2005 - Flamborough Review Article - Carlisle Water Ban in Place...Again This article no longer available
- Monday, June 27, 2005 - Hamilton Spectator Article - Quarry foes say pit will endanger wells
"If we run your well dry we will have an action plan to remedy that situation. That will entail trucking water into the well or bottled water or a combination of both."
David Lowndes - Hamilton Spectator Article - August 3, 2004
Proponent’s Hydrogeology Report (7.8 MB)
FORCE’s Hydrogeology Case
- Cover letter from the Chair (84 KB)
- Regulatory Framework (161 KB)
- INTERA Engineering Ltd. Critique of Proponent’s Report (507 KB)
- Omissions/Gap Analysis (66 KB)
"You are right to be concerned."
City of Hamilton Consultant, Bill Blackport on what impact the quarry might have on Carlisle wells.