Latest News
- Fri. Jun. 7, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE recipient of Environmentalist of the Year award - Wed., Apr. 24, 2013
Hamilton Spectator
Mahoney: Quarry foes set to celebrate holding their ground - Mon., Apr. 8, 2013
Flamborough Review
Quarry battle over opponents say - Wed.,Mar. 27, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE ready to celebrate quarry victory - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2013
Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
Free Holiday Family Skate
Mark your calendars for a fun social event!
Friends of Rural Communities and the Environment (FORCE) is pleased to announce a Free Holiday Family Skate on Friday January 6th, 2006 from 1 to 3:00 pm at the Carlisle Arena.
Councillors Margaret McCarthy and Dave Braden have generously sponsored a Free Two Hour Family Skate on behalf of FORCE. Please come out and enjoy the skate with your friends and family. It will be a great opportunity to share holiday stories and actively spend time before the kids return to school the following week.
The skate is free but in the spirit of the season, FORCE will be collecting non perishable food items for the Flamborough Food Bank during the event. Thanks again to Margaret and Dave for all their support throughout the year and for making this holiday event possible again.