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Stop Light Monitor - Green


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2008-2009 Annual Report

Message from Chair - The Applications - Our Case - Community Issues - Concluding Comments - Financials - Volunteer Committee - Public Activity Report - Appendix 1 & 2 - References


  1. St Marys Cement. St Marys Flamborough Quarry Community Newsletter, Issue #6, September 2007.
  2. Harrington and Hoyle Ltd. 2. Phase A Notes St Marys Flamborough Quarry . February 2009.
  3. Bessey, Ryan, and Bob Rimrott. St Marys Flamborough Quarry Noise Impact Study. Toronto: Aercoustics Engineering Limited Feb 2009 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/SMCARADocuments/8-Noise/AEL-Noise Report-CBMFlamboroughQuarry _09 02__.pdf >
  4. Schnarr, Glen, and Karen Bennett. St Marys Cement (Canada) Inc. St Marys Flamborough Quarry Summary Statement. Mississauga: Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. February 2009. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/SMCARADocuments/1-Summary Report/ARA-Summary-Report_February 2009.pdf>
  5. St Marys Cement (Canada) Inc. Volume 1 – Hydrogeological Level 2 Report – St Marys Flamborough Quarry February 2009 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/SMCARADocuments/2-Hydrogeological/Volume%201%20-%20Hydrogeological%20Report/107415_3ra_Feb26-09_Volume%201%20Hydrogeological%20Report.pdf>
  6. Raven, Kenneth. Letter to Graham Flint. 17 May 2009. Re: Hydrogeological Review of 6. Aggregate Resources Act Application, St. Marys Flamborough
    Quarry Site, City of Hamilton <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/FORCE ARA Objections May 2009 - Raven Review.pdf >
  7. O’Connor, Justice Dennis. Walkerton Inquiry 2002. <http://www.conservation-ontario.on.ca/source_protection/index.html>
  8. Strader, Matthew. “Tragedy and Hope.” Caledon Enterprise. 17 October, 2008 <http://www.caledonenterprise.com/news/article/58717>
  9. Change is due now, not later.” Caledon Enterprise. 17 October, 2008 <http://www.caledonenterprise.com/editorial/article/58697>
  10. Hilditch Tom, and Valerie Wyatt. “Natural Environment Level 2 Technical Report: St Marys Flamborough Quarry.” Stantec Consulting Ltd and 10. Savanta Inc. February 2009. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/SMCARADocuments/3-NaturalEnvironment/rpt_60345_EIS2009_2007-02-20_FINAL.pdf>
  11. Tegler, Brent. Letter to Graham Flint. 21 May 2009. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/FORCE ARA Objections May 2009 - Tegler Review.pdf>
  12. Katona, Zolton, and Michael MacKay. “Geological Investigation Proposed Dolostone Quarry Part of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 11 Geographic Township of East Flamborough City of Hamilton.” Toronto: John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited and Consulting Engineers. 16 July, 2004. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/JohnEmeryGeologicalInvestigation.pdf>
  13. Stovel, Robert, and Sean Colville. “Agricultural Report, Proposed Dolostone Quarry, Part of Lot 1, Concession 11 and Lots 2 and 3, Concession 11, Geographic Township of East Flamborough, City of Hamilton.” Fergus: Stovel and Associates June, 2004. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/StovelandAssociatesAgriculturalReport.pdf>


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