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- Fri. Jun. 7, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE recipient of Environmentalist of the Year award - Wed., Apr. 24, 2013
Hamilton Spectator
Mahoney: Quarry foes set to celebrate holding their ground - Mon., Apr. 8, 2013
Flamborough Review
Quarry battle over opponents say - Wed.,Mar. 27, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE ready to celebrate quarry victory - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2013
Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
2004 Annual Report
Steering Committee:
- Chair & Spokesperson
- Graham Flint, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Graham Flint, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Vice Chair & Strategy
- Mark Rudolph, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Mark Rudolph, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Community Outreach
- Tom Weinstein, Milburough Line, Milton
- Jan Whitelaw, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Herb Lawson, 11th Concession, Freelton
- Tom Weinstein, Milburough Line, Milton
- Technical Coordination
- Jerry (Joseph) Bloom, Glenron Road, Mountsberg
- Jim Forbes, Glenron Road, Mountsberg
- James Van Hees, Shadetree Ave, Burlington
- Jerry (Joseph) Bloom, Glenron Road, Mountsberg
- Fundraising
- Greg Ryan, Stonebury Place, Freelton
- Michael Brazeau, Stonebury Place, Freelton
- Finance & Treasury
- Silke Flint, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Silke Flint, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Communication
- Shaun Donnelly, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg
- Shaun Donnelly, Timber Run Court, Mountsberg