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- Fri. Jun. 7, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE recipient of Environmentalist of the Year award - Wed., Apr. 24, 2013
Hamilton Spectator
Mahoney: Quarry foes set to celebrate holding their ground - Mon., Apr. 8, 2013
Flamborough Review
Quarry battle over opponents say - Wed.,Mar. 27, 2013
Flamborough Review
FORCE ready to celebrate quarry victory - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2013
Flamborough Review
My View: The community that could
2005 Annual Report
Message from Chair - The Process - The Community Case - Volunteer Committee - Financials - Public Activity Report - References |
Public Activity Report
December 2005
- December 16th, 2005 - FORCE submitted two expert critiques of Lowndes Holdings Corp.'s Natural Environment Report to City of Hamilton specifically, an Aquatic Biology Report Critique and a Natural Environment Report critique.
- December 12, 2005 - FORCE submitted its Community Issues Review Report to City of Hamilton
- December 6, 2005. - Staff Information Report Tabled Re: Lowndes Holdings Corp. Application, and FORCE presents at Hamilton Planning & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Media Coverage:
- Flamborough Review, December 26, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: Lowndes quarry application headed public meeting in the spring.
- Flamborough Review, December 2, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: December layoffs as Dundas Quarry digs in for slow winter months.
Community Events:
- January 6th, 2006 - Free Holiday Family Skate, sponsored by Margaret McCarthy and Dave Braden. Food donations to Flamborough Food Bank
October 2005
- October 28, 2005 -FORCE Steering Committee Members met with City of Hamilton Officials for a Progress Checkpoint on the Carlisle Quarry Application.
- Important - Because it Affects You and Your Family - Lowndes Holdings Corp. wants to send up to 100 loaded gravel trucks past your door every hour. Truck Flyer distributed by FORCE volunteers during October.
September 2005
- September 30, 2005 - FORCE Chairperson puts Community's Concerns about Lowndes Holdings Corp.'s Poor Communications on the Official Record with the City of Hamilton Senior Planner.
- September 21,2005 - Joint Agency Review Team Public Information Meeting regarding Nelson Aggregates Proposal, Kilbride Public School.
June/July/August/ 2005
- July 25, 2005 - FORCE submits Comments to the City of Burlington Planning Department regarding Report PL-49/05, the White Paper on Sustainability, the Environment and the Burlington Official Plan
Media Coverage:
- Flamborough Review, July 1, 2005 - Quarry opponents not daunted by OMB call.
- The Hamilton Spectator, June 27, 2005 - Quarry foes say pit will endanger wells.
- Flamborough Review, June 10, 2005 - Article by Kim Arnott: Carlisle water ban in place.
- Flamborough Review, June 3, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: FORCE continues to dig in for quarry battle one year later.
- Flamborough Review, July 11, 2005 - FORCE places ad "Mom, I think we have a problem" to address constraints of the proposed quarry.
- June 16, 2005 - McGuinty Government Enhances Greenbelt Legacy - New Greenbelt Foundation To Fund Research, Public Education. Jan Whitelaw appointed as an interim board member of the Greenbelt Foundation.
- Attendance at GravelWatch Ontario Formation - FORCE Steering Members attended the formative meeting of GravelWatch Ontario in August along with some 30 representatives from other community organizations involved in aggregate issues. GravelWatch Ontario is being formed with a mandate to promote responsible management of the aggregate industry in Ontario. Its aims will include networking and information exchange along with advocacy. FORCE will continue to monitor developments.
- Meetings with Municipal Politicians and Officials - FORCE steering committee members met with a number of area councilors and staff officials during late June and early July to brief them on FORCE's position and our substantive case against the proposed quarry application.
- July 19, 2005 - Continued Provincial Liaison - A number of FORCE supporters and Steering Committee members - all at their own personal expense - attended the annual Ted McMeekin Golf Tournament at Copetown Woods. The event provided the opportunity to informally meet with a number of provincial Cabinet Ministers, and to MPPs acting in the capacity of Parliamentary Assistants to Ministers, and staff advisors to discuss the FORCE position.
- Making our Case with Local Stakeholders - the Flamborough Chamber of Commerce - FORCE met with representatives of the FCC Board in September to discuss FORCE's concerns regarding the FCC's implied endorsement of the Lowndes Holdings Corp. Proposed Carlisle Quarry.
- Securing Equal Footing in the Peer Review Process for FORCE Experts - The City of Hamilton had agreed to circulate FORCE's expert reports on Lowndes Holdings Corp.'s application to its Peer Review Team. The City has also recently agreed to allow FORCE's experts equal footing to those of the proponent, allowing them to speak directly with the Peer Review Team about their critiques of the proponent's application on behalf of the community.
- June 17, 2005 - FORCE Supporters attended City Council Meeting in Millgrove to help StopTheQuarry
May 2005
- May 31, 2005 - Written submission to the City Of Burlington Regarding The White Paper On Sustainability, The Environment And The Burlington Official Plan.
Media Coverage:
- Burlington Post, May 25, 2005 - Quarry proposal at heart of meeting
- Milton Champion, May 24, 2005 - Article by Robin Downton-Poirier: Anti-quarry group scheduled to meet Monday
- Flamborough Review, May 20, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: FORCE renews for next stage of quarry battle
- Flamborough Review, May 13, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: Haul route key part of quarry planning.
- FORCE Annual Report 2004-2005, May 4, 2005
- FORCE Annual Meeting, May 31, 2005, Lawson Park.
- Participation at meeting regarding proposed changes to The Aggregate Resources Policy And Procedures Manual, hosted by Gravelwatch.
April 2005
- April 19, 2005 - Information Report Re: Lowndes Holdings Corp. Application Presented at Hamilton Planning and Economic Development Committee
Media Coverage:
- Flamborough Review, April 29, 2005 - Article by Diane Cornish: FORCE gearing up for next stage of quarry battle.
- Hamilton Spectator, April 25, 2005 - Article by Eric McGuinness: Battle lines have been drawn on bid for Flamborough quarry.
- May 2, 2005 - Greenbelt Act Does Not Stop Quarries
- April 12, 2005 - FORCE met with the Hamilton Wentworth Federation of Agriculture (HWFA)
- April 14, 2005 - FORCE attended Flamborough Chamber of Commerce Meeting with the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
March 2005
Media Coverage:
- Flamborough Review, March 11, 2005 - Article by Dianne Cornish: FORCE asks council to reject Carlisle quarry plan.
- Milton Champion, March 8, 2005 - Article by Robin Downton-Poirier: FORCE celebrates final greenbelt plan.
- Flamborough Review, March 4, 2005 - Editorial by Dianne Cornish. Just how strong is Greenbelt?
- Hamilton Spectator, March 2, 2005 - Article by Hamilton Spectator Staff: A Greenbelt law may kill Carlisle quarry.
- CHTV News, March 1, 2005 - Interview with FORCE Chairperson, Graham Flint - live at 6pm
February 2005
- February 14, 2005 - FORCE tables submission to Ontario Ministry of the Environment regarding the Source Water Protection Implementation and Technical Expert Committee Reports
- February 2, 2005 - FORCE presents at Ontario Legislature Standing Committee on General Government regarding Bill 135, the Proposed Greenbelt Act
- February 2, 2005 - FORCE tables submission to Ontario Legislature Standing Committee on General Government regarding Bill 135, the Proposed Greenbelt Act
Media Coverage:
- North Halton Compass, February 11, 2005 - Article by Bernadette Ward: New all-party committee listens to the public on Greenbelt.
- Hamilton Spectator, February 12, 2005 - February 19, 2005 inclusive. The Escarpment series.
January 2005
- January 18, 2005 - FORCE presents at Milton Planning Committee
Media Coverage:
- CP Newswire and Toronto Star, January 25, 2005 - Coverage of Pembina Institute's Report: Rebalancing the Load - The Need for an Aggregate Conservation Strategy for Ontario
- Toronto Star, January 6, 2005 - Article by Gord Miller - Environmental Commissioner of Ontario: Running out of gravel and rock, But what is the true state of our aggregates resources?
- January 26, 2005 - FORCE meets Aggregates Planning Advisor to the City of Hamilton, Steven Rowe - Graham Flint and Mark Rudolph met with Mr. Rowe and Stan Holiday, City planner to discuss the quarry proposal
Community Events:
- January 19, 2005 - FORCE Volunteer Recognition Night at the Carlisle Cup & Carafe