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Stop Light Monitor - Green


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2007 Annual Report

Message from Chair - Water - Cool, clean and clear - for now - Environment - Wetlands and Woodlands (a.k.a. "Marshes and Forests") - Haul Route - Truck Traffic - Health - Protecting the Water We Drink and The Air We Breathe - Concluding Comments - Financials - Volunteer Committee - Public Activity Report - References


  1. Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference. Boston: Little, Brown & 1. Company, 2000.
  2. Walsh, Bryan. "A Green Tipping Point." Time. 12 Oct. 2007 2. <http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1670871,00.html>
  3. Kerr, David J. “Letter to the PTTW Coordinator, Ministry of the Environment - Re: PTTW: Notification of 3. Application for Permit to Take Water - EBR Registry No. 1A06E1293 and Ministry Reference Number:4455-6U9MKG.” 30 Nov. 2006 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/City%20of%20Hamilton%20Comments%20on%20St%20Marys%20PTTW%20application.pdf>
  4. Matthews, Eric. “Letter to Paul Odom, Water Resources Unit, South Central Region, Ministry of Environment, Subject; St. Mary’s Flamborough Quarry Site.” 26 October 2007 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/HamiltonPublicHealthLetterOctober26_2007.pdf>
  5. Source Water Protection. “Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Committee.” 27 November 2007. <http://www.protectingwater.ca/generalinfo.cfm?smocid=1395>
  6. City of Hamilton. “Notice of Motion Moved by Councillor McCarthy.” 27 February, 2008
  7. Miller, Gord. “Reconciling Our Priorities, Annual Report 2006-2007 Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.”.November 2007. <http://www.ecoissues.ca/index.php/List_of_Annual_Reports>
  8. Greenbelt Alliance. “Green Gravel Priorities for Aggregate Reform in Ontario.” 30 August 2007 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/GreenGravelPrioritiesFINAL.pdf>
  9. City of Hamilton. “Notice of Motion Moved by Councillor McCarthy.” 13 February, 2008 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/McCarthyNoticeofMotionFeb13-08.pdf>
  10. Onley, David C. "Speech from the Throne: Moving Forward the Ontario Way." 29 Nov. 2007 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/ThroneSpeech112907-En.pdf>
  11. Funk, Gunther H. "Letter to the Ministry of the Environment re: GLL 60702 - Temporary PTTW to Conduct a Series of Pumping Tests, Proposed CBM St. Marys Cement Flamborough Quarry, City of Hamilton, Ontario." 26 Sept. 2006.
  12. Miller, Gord. "Reconciling Our Priorities, Annual Report 2006-2007 Environmental Commissioner of Ontario." November 2007. <http://www.ecoissues.ca/index.php/List_of_Annual_Reports>
  13. Walton, Margaret. City Of Hamilton Agricultural Action Plan: Economic Viability for the Long-Term. 9 Oct. 200713. <http://www.investinhamilton.ca/images/stories/pdf/HamiltonActionPlanOct-07.pdf>
  14. Bunce, Michael, and Jeanne Maurer. Prospects For Agriculture In The Toronto Region: The Farmer 14. Perspective. Toronto: Neptis Foundation, 2005. <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/Neptis%20Report%20-%20Agriculture%20in%20the%20GTA%20August%202005.pdf>
  15. McGuinness, Eric. “Health concerns over water test for quarry: Could cut off or contaminate groundwater.” 15. Hamilton Spectator. 13 Dec.2007 <http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/295617>
  16. Matthews, Eric. “Letter to Paul Odom, Water Resources Unit, South Central Region, Ministry of Environment, 16. Subject; St. Mary’s Flamborough Quarry Site.” 26 October 2007 <http://www.stopthequarry.ca/documents/HamiltonPublicHealthLetterOctober26_2007.pdf>
  17. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Greenbelt Plan 2005.Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2005. 17. <http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Asset1277.aspx>
  18. Public Health Agency of Canada. “Population Health.” 29 May 2007. <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ph-sp/determinants/index-eng.php>
  19. Public Health Agency of Canada. “Population Health.” 29 May 2007 <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ph-sp/determinants/index-eng.php>


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