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Stop Light Monitor - Green


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2006 Annual Report

Message from Chair - Environmental Defence - The Proponent - The Application - The Case - Natural Environment - Transportation - Community - Hydrogeology - Financials - Public Activity Report - References - Volunteer Committee


The proposed quarry connects with our deep unconscious fears - it threatens our collective safety and security. When we consider that the time of travel for water between the proposed quarry site and the Carlisle municipal wellheads is only two years it is worrisome, we understand how those with rural wells fear a Walkerton scale crisis. But the fear doesn't stop there. We have already experienced fast moving, slow stopping, heavy trucks on narrow rural roads with no shoulders. And we have encountered some haulers that take a stop sign to be a suggestion rather than an obligation. Combine these risks with potential threats to air quality and crop production for example and we know that we are right to oppose this application.

Friends working together make this fight possible. Support has been evident in the annual contributions, the visits to the web site, and the attendance at the various Public Meetings. This year, our united common opposition became even more visible:

  • Over 400 attendees filled chairs and stood against the walls of Mount Carmel's Auditorium for the city's first update in April.
  • More than 200 cyclists hopped on their bikes at Courtcliffe Park and headed out for a hilly 50k and 100k ride in September.
  • 200 guests enjoyed a Gala Evening at the Carlisle Golf and Country Club and raised over $19,000 in November!
  • In early January residents strapped on their skates for the 2nd Annual Free Family Skate benefiting the Flamborough Food Bank. Ice time was generously sponsored by Councillors McCarthy and Braden.

As friends across our Communities have joined these events, there has been the profound realization that together we can, and will, succeed. Plans for a fall Tour de FORCE 2007 and another Gala Event are already underway. We suggest that having fun and building a strong Community is the best approach!

We Must Stop this Quarry -
it puts our Community Health and Livelihood at Risk!


Together We Will Succeed!